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The lagoon 




With its 1100 km2 and rich biodiversity, Mayotte Lagoon is the first overseas lagoon to be declared a Marine Natural Park since 2010 and has thus become the second in France.
In addition to its 195 km reef barrier, the Mahorai lagoon also has an internal coral reef.

Throughout the year you can observe marine turtles and watch the dolphin ballet. From July to November, the waters of the Mahorai lagoon become a real nursery for humpback whales that move with their young as the days go by.


The "S" pass: the flagship site of the Mayotte lagoon, is a true marine nature reserve of great diversity and exceptional beauty. It represents the privileged site of diving enthusiasts and image hunters par excellence.



  • 760 different fish species

  • 22 marine mammal species, representing 1/4 of the world's diversity

  • Humpback whales, dolphins, dugongs

  • 2 types of marine turtles: hawksbill and green turtles that are present all year round.

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